Full videos include subtitles in Italian and English.
This video series features 3 short videos focusing on 4 target vocabulary & culture objectives: Introductions, Hobbies / Free Time, Family, and Fun. The videos are set in a high school in Florence, Italy.
"Presentarsi ad Alessio" A ‘talkshow’ based video where the host, Alessio, asks 5 different students a series of questions based on the 4 target objectives. Each guest answers based on their life (first and second person singular).
"Chi Sono" Students present themselves using the 4 target objectives without the ‘question’ portion as in "Presentarsi ad Alessio". This video is a monologue (first person singular).
"Il Mio Compagno di Classe" Students present their classmates using the 4 target objectives as well as character and physical descriptions including clothing vocabulary (third person singular).
Food & Meals
This video series features 3 short videos focusing on breakfast, lunch and dinner vocabulary & culture objectives. The videos are set in Florence and Bari, Italy.
"Colazione" Set in a typical 'bar' or caffè, this short video focuses on breakfast food vocabulary and phrases while teaching students the customs of this popular Italian meal. * Culture Flash * Prof. Spilotro explains the different types of caffé you can order at a 'bar'.
"Pranzo" Set in a friends home, this short video focuses on flatware vocabulary used during a home cooked 'pranzo' consisting of antipasto, primo, secondo, e dolce.
"Cena" Set in a local pizzeria, this short video focuses on vocabulary used while ordering different types of authentic Italian pizzas. * Culture Flash * Prof. Spilotro explains the origin of the Pizza Margherita.
Full videos include subtitles in Italian and English.
(Pre, During and Post worksheets that supplement the video)
(Pre, During and Post worksheets that supplement the video)
Past Tense (Passato Prossimo)
This video series features 2 short videos focusing on vocabulary & culture objectives for the Italian verb tense 'Passato Prossimo'. The videos are set in the classroom & courtyard of high school in Florence, Italy.
"Il Fine Settimana Italiano" Students talk about what they did over the weekend and ask each other questions while on their recess time from class.
"Il Nostro Fine Settimana" Two students talk about their weekend shopping for Christmans gifts in the center of Florence, Italy.
Full videos include subtitles in Italian and English.
(Pre, During and Post worksheets that supplement the video)
This video series features multiple short videos focusing on various cultural activities in Italy.
Carnevale in Venezia
Chocolate Festival in Perugia
Religous Festival in Bari
Manifestazione in Florence
Pastry and Gelato Making
"Il Mercato" Traditional Italian Markets
I hope you enjoyed these sample videos!